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2004-01-21 | Fault

It was my fault because I trusted him.

It was my fault because I didn't want to believe it was happening.

It was my fault because I didn't fight hard enough.

It was my fault because I was afraid.

It was my fault because I still saw him as a friend.

It was my fault because I thought I knew better but it happened anyway.

It was my fault because he manipulated me despite my protests.

It was my fault because he got what he wanted.

It was my fault because a friend said, You shouldn't have let him do it, you should've known better.

It was my fault because I believed it would never happen to me and took no precautions.

It wasn't my fault because be betrayed my trust.

It wasn't my fault because he chose not to listen to me.

It wasn't my fault because I told him that this didn't feel right, that this was wrong.

It wasn't my fault because I knew better.

It wasn't my fault because I didn't see it coming.

It wasn't my fault because I spoke up and said No.

It wasn't my fault because I was an unwillilng participant in an unwanted sexual act.

It wasn't my fault because he said, You're saying no, but you're losing, so he acknowledged my lack of consent and my unwillingness to participate.

It wasn't my fault because I resisted while he badgered me for 20 minutes.

It wasn't my fault because I heard from someone else that he's done this before.

It wasn't my fault because this happens to someone everyday.

It wasn't my fault because as I type this, it's happening to someone right now.

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