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2003-01-31 | Dad


you have no idea how much you've put me through. besides the bruises, the hate , ect. I feel like I'm a nothing, and thats what I deserve. I dont know why I took your hitting for so long. All that emotional bruises and physical. For so long I just wanted to die, for so long I wanted to kill myself. But then I realized thats what you want me to do. I wont die, i wont, because I'm going to give you what you gave me. I'm not as weak as you, I dont have to hit people to get what I want. And I'm stronger than you, I can live the way I want, without hurting others.

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- 2008-06-27
Relating To A Postcard - 2008-06-26
Sexual/Assault - 2008-04-04
so easy.. - 2007-03-20
here - 2006-10-14